Private attorney rate increased for cases assigned by SPD [Sec. 471, 472] -
Act 19Payment card networks prohibited from using firearm merchant codes for retail payment card transactions; governmental entities prohibited from keeping lists of firearms owners, exception for criminal investigations or prosecutions; AG authority [vetoed] -
SB466Vacancies in certain elective state offices: appointment by Governor replaced with special election; exception provided [vetoed] -
AB476Sex offender registry and notification requirements: counting convictions and findings codified re OAG-02-17 -
Act 254Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact ratified; emergency rule provision -
Act 56Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact ratified; emergency rule provision [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1Authorized operations of financial institutions revisions re credit union property and supplemental capital, ATM locations and interference with made a crime, S&L lending areas, residential mortgage loans, promissory notes of certain public bodies, public deposit losses, parity with federally chartered credit unions, and charges for credit union examinations; rules repealed [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 14.03, DFI-SB 12.03, DFI-SL 12.03] -
Act 128Banks placed in hands of Division of Banking: obsolete State Treasurer reference eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by Office of the State Treasurer) -
Act 263Earned wage access service companies: regulations created, report required -
Act 131Licensing and regulation by DFI of consumer lenders, payday lenders, money transmitters, sales finance companies, collection agencies, mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers, adjustment service companies, community currency exchanges, and insurance premium finance companies; the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry; ABLE program established in DFI; rules revised [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 74.01, 74.03, 74.04, 74.05, 74.06, 74.07, 74.10, 74.11, 74.12, 74.14, 74.16, 75.01, 75.08] -
Act 267Occupational and business licenses: DOA to report on proposed legislation requiring [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1Transportation services for blind workers: income tax credit created; ABLE account provision -
Act 142Recreational vehicles: additional regulations for dealers and the relationship between dealers and manufacturers or distributors; definitions modified; bond requirement; vehicle length limit on highways exception -
Act 164Agricultural road improvement grant program established; report required; sunset provision -
Act 13Assessment of local bridges and culverts: DOT funding to counties [Sec. 91, 376] -
Act 19“Eisenhower Bridge of Valor”: bridge on USH 63 across the Mississippi River in Pierce County designated and marked as -
Act 268Local bridge program project funded by county bridge aid: DOT to supervise town highway projects -
Act 162Main Street bridge in the City of Watertown: funding from highway and local bridge improvement assistance program [Sec. 94, 9144 (6)] -
Act 19Major interstate bridge projects: bonding limit increased [Sec. 181] -
Act 19Ray Nitschke Memorial Bridge funding [Sec. 94, 9144 (7)] -
Act 19Southern Bridge construction project: funding from accelerated local bridge improvement assistance [Sec. 90, 9144 (5)] -
Act 19De Pere Greenwood Cemetery: DSPS grant for erosion remediation [Sec. 9138 (1)] -
Act 19Ray Nitschke Memorial Bridge funding [Sec. 94, 9144 (7)] -
Act 19Southern Bridge construction project: funding from accelerated local bridge improvement assistance [Sec. 90, 9144 (5)] -
Act 19Budget bill [partial veto] -
Act 19Floorperiods for the 2023-24 session established; budget deadline extended [SJR1] -
JR 1Commercial building plans and plumbing plans: procedures for DSPS review revised [vetoed] -
SB186Commercial building plans: local government review expanded; DSPS report on outreach to local governments required [vetoed] -
SB187Commercial buildings: permission to start construction before plan approval codified [vetoed] -
SB188Commercial-to-housing revolving loan fund and loan program established; reports required -
Act 18Electric vehicle charging stations: person supplying electricity exempt from public utility regulation; prohibitions on local governments and state agencies from owning, operating, managing, or leasing; excise tax on electric vehicle charging, residence exception; local government cannot require private developer to install -
Act 121Refrigerants acceptable to the EPA as alternatives to ozone-depleting substances: DSPS cannot promulgate a rule and local governments cannot enact or enforce an ordinance prohibiting or limiting use of -
Act 76Technical education equipment grants from DWD to school districts: conditions revised; adds construction fields -
Act 165Authorized state building program for 2023-24 and changes to previously authorized programs; transfers to the state building trust fund and the capital improvement fund [Sec. 2-16, 40-45, 48, 179, 180, 182-189, 192, 193, 9104 (1)-(21), 9201 (1), 9251 (1)] [8, 9104 (8), (9), (11) -- partial veto] -
Act 19Authorized State Building Program for 2023-25 amended to add UW System projects; transfer from general fund to capital improvement fund; UW Regents' plan to honor state veterans required -
Act 102Building program revisions re budget modifications and report requirement, selection of project architects and engineers, single prime contracting exception, project bidding procedures, cooperation with energy conservation contractors, and utilities costs; timeline for Claims Board to hear and determine claims related to contracts; transfer from general fund to building trust fund [vetoed] -
SB932Environmental improvement fund revenue bonding limit increased for Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program [Sec. 450] -
Act 19State building trust fund transfer to the general fund; hospital emergency department services grants funding [partial veto] -
Act 97Claims against commercial motor vehicle carriers: limiting recovery of noneconomic damages [vetoed] -
SB613Tax revisions re road-building equipment sales tax exemption, income tax withholding threshold for nonresidents, and qualified opportunity fund certification; lottery games and farm assets changes; income tax exemption for certain commercial loan income; cigarette, tobacco, and vapor product enforcement and shared revenue and municipality sales tax administration positions; common carrier permit for direct wine shipping and local exposition board membership provisions -
Act 146Overweight vehicles transporting certain fluid milk products: DOT permits -
Act 158Transportation of metallic or nonmetallic scrap: pig iron included in definition and overweight or oversize permit revision -
Act 156Angel investment tax credit: sold or transferred to another taxpayer allowed -
Act 145Badger fund of funds investment program changes re the investment manager -
Act 98Business development tax credit and enterprise zone jobs tax credit changes -
Act 143Business operated by minors: political subdivision cannot require a license or permit if operated only occasionally -
Act 168